Angela grew up in the suburbs of Detroit, the daughter of an attorney and the executive director of a shelter for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault. She followed in the footsteps of both by becoming a social worker and later an attorney using the law as a tool to help people. She learned from them the important values that are the basis of the pledge that she has made for her court.
The right opening came at the right time and she moved north in 2005 and has never looked back. She continues to be so grateful that Northern Michigan welcomed her.
This area has given her an extraordinary career, colleagues, and friends. People who have inspired her with the work that they do and their dedication to this community. Most importantly, she has been blessed that this is where she met her husband, Scott, and is the only home that their son, Bennett, has known.

“I am honored to endorse Angela J. Lasher for Judge of the 90th District Court for Charlevoix and Emmet Counties.
A judge must guarantee that each person who comes before the Court will receive equal justice under the law. A judge must ensure that partisanship, prejudice, bias, or public opinion will not play any part in the judicial process.
As a judge, Angela lives these principles every day. Nothing is more important to her than treating every person before her with dignity and respect, and with fairness and impartiality. I urge you to give her your vote on the non-partisan ballot on election day.”
— Peter J. Lyons, Local Litigation Attorney
Committed to upholding the non-partisan role of judge
Support of law enforcement, local prosecutors, and attorneys
Support of district court and tribal court judges
Support of district court staff in Charlevoix and Emmet counties
Support of sobriety court participants in both counties